A Brief History of the Future is a unique six-part documentary series about our futures and how we can reimagine them. Hosted by renowned futurist Ari Wallach, the show invites viewers on a journey around the world that is filled with discovery, hope, and possibility about where we find ourselves today and what could come next.
Weaving together history, science and storytelling, each episode follows those who are working to solve our greatest challenges. Featured voices in the show include French President Emmanuel Macron, U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, sailor Dame Ellen MacArthur, musician Grimes, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, architect Bjarke Ingels, climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe, and many more.
The show is written & directed by Andrew Morgan and produced by Zach Morgan of Untold, executive produced by Kathryn Murdoch and Ari Wallach of Futurific Studios, philanthropist Wendy Schmidt, legendary soccer player Kylian Mbappé, and by Drake’s Emmy award-winning DreamCrew.
Ari Wallach is an applied futurist and the founder and Executive Director of Longpath Labs, an initiative focused on bringing long-term thinking and coordinated behavior to the individual, organizational, and societal realms in order to ensure humanity flourishes on an ecologically thriving planet Earth for centuries to come.
Ari is the author of Longpath: Becoming the Great Ancestors Our Future Needs by HarperCollins.